Saturday, August 30, 2008

Could it be true?

Ok. I am a Republican 99% of the time. I mean, that's just the way I swing. If they bail on more platform issues, that could change, but for now, I'm still on board.
So, I've been muddling through this election cycle (decade, it seems) not really thrilled with McCain, but tolerating him. I think he matches the era we are in. I must admit, Obamessiah gives good speech. But I like substance and accomplishments. You know, like actually running something. That is where you really can see leadership and command. I'll take a good leader with a history of making good decisions when core values are on the line.
The nomination of Sarah Palin excited me today. She may be the most relatable person for our family ever in politics. She's strong, wise, unflappable. She's the mother of 5 children (one of which was a special needs child) and has actually loved our country her whole life...not just in the last 4 mos. Yeah, that's my Michelle shot. She is staunchly pro-life. I feel completely tied to her. She, too, had to make the decision to stick with her beliefs when she found out her child wouldn't be "normal" and the doctor asked her if she wanted to abort her baby. That bonds you to your values like nothing else and I feel confident that Rachel and I could sit down with her and her family and we'd be like peas in a pod.
On a daddy level: I'm proud that a woman may likely be in the next administration and that she is a GOOD example for my girls. Their mom is the best example to them, but I don't want my girls limiting their dreams because of what others may believe about them. I will be able to proudly point to one Sarah Palin as a light for my girls to emulate and follow.
Thanks, Gov. Palin for being a normal person. Thanks Senator McCain for making my day.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Get Funky...

What does "funk" mean anyway? Webster's second noun definition says that funk is; "1 a: a state of paralyzing fear b: a depressed state of mind".
So, I'm in a funk and it ain't so grand.
Career's going good. Family's going pretty good.
Why is life so funky?
Borrowing from someone I know, I'll place myself in biblical company...
By my math, a lot of people have been in some grand funks through time:
John the Baptist
Oh, and some dude named Jesus.
Why do you think God wants to get us all funky? I think this funkiness should be, gulp, a GOOD thing. Funkiness can be good if it motivates us to take action or become more receptive to that still small voice of God.
Funkiness can be a bad thing to. Some biblical people's funks caused them to never be the same again.
What's the cure for funkiness? Time, I believe. It's the only thing that I've found. If you have any great funkiness cures...please, share.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This guy disturbs me.

He challenges me to LIVE my faith instead of being my faith.

Rick Warren dreams big. His wife says that he has the spiritual gift of faith. Uh, yeah. In a HUGE way. How big? Oh, he just wants to END POVERTY and STOP AIDS in Africa.

Uh. Whoa.

I just want to lose a hundred pounds...

My faith is so flexible lately. It's there, but it is not as alive as I'd like. I think there is a purpose in that. God wants me to take a stand for some things. I think that sometimes we have to act before the faith and answers are there.

What do you think?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Birthday Splash!

Today was so fun. I'm exhausted, but that's ok. My mom had her birthday today so we all got together. By all I mean all. 15 people packed Cracker Barrell for brunch and then 2 more (my baby sister, Bethany, and her fiance, Drew) met the rest of us at Splash Valley in Kankakee. We had a BLAST on the water slides, lazy river, and pools.

Did I mention that we're all exhausted?

Anywho, what was most fun was just being together. I love my family. All of them. As it's grown with my sister Hilary's husband, Ron, and his great kids, Brendan and Lauren, things have only gotten "funner". More "funner-ness" is coming as Drew gets ready to join our clan.

I'm so thankful for that. Family that is. Especially lately. Family is everything to me and I love that God made me a Buck. I'm proud to be a Buck and proud to carry the name. We love as hard as we can and, no matter what, can count on each other. That's so important these days.

I love you, Buck's!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Crack! Boom! Bam!

I love thunderstorms.
They are so cool.
I love the smell of the approaching storm.
I love the wind, rain, and darkening skies.
I always appreciate them. I live with 3 women who have a nutsy, crazy, IRRATIONAL fear of tornadoes. Everytime there is a storm warning with in 78,000 miles of us, I swear their "early warning tornado approaching" intuition kicks in. This is accompanied by staring out windows, checking the radar on the computer, calling relatives, putting in the pets, and a hysterical vibration resonating through the house.
Now, I'm not an idiot. Well, not THAT big of an idiot. If this storm was heading my way I'd be steppin' on those women in an effort to get to the basement before them. See ya!
We just had a really cool (literally) storm. I bet the temp dropped 15 degrees in 5 minutes.
Have I told you I LOVE thunderstorms? :)
Don't tell Rach, but I hope we have another one soon...

Mac Daddy...

Bernie Mac is dead.

I remember the first time I saw his show (intrigued by the humorous commercials). I laughed so hard I cried. Twice. The little boy in the show was a great straight man and Bernie's responses were hysterical. I grew into a big fan. His movie, Mr. 3000, is a favorite of mine. It's about an arrogant, selfish baseball player (Stan Ross) that retires as soon as he hits what he (and everyone else thinks) is his 3000th hit. It rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but not wrong enough to keep him out of the Hall... Turns out a clerical error results in him being 5 hits short so he goes back to the Brewers to try to get his last 5 hits.

It was a great statement about baseball and it's character today. An even better story of choosing the greater goal for the team rather then glory for self. It's more satisfying.
Back to Bernie. I'll miss the 20-30 years of comedy that I thought I'd get to enjoy. His humor struck a cord in my mind and I mourn the loss of that as well as the loss his family is feeling.
Good-bye, Bernie. You were truly one of a kind.