Saturday, August 9, 2008

Crack! Boom! Bam!

I love thunderstorms.
They are so cool.
I love the smell of the approaching storm.
I love the wind, rain, and darkening skies.
I always appreciate them. I live with 3 women who have a nutsy, crazy, IRRATIONAL fear of tornadoes. Everytime there is a storm warning with in 78,000 miles of us, I swear their "early warning tornado approaching" intuition kicks in. This is accompanied by staring out windows, checking the radar on the computer, calling relatives, putting in the pets, and a hysterical vibration resonating through the house.
Now, I'm not an idiot. Well, not THAT big of an idiot. If this storm was heading my way I'd be steppin' on those women in an effort to get to the basement before them. See ya!
We just had a really cool (literally) storm. I bet the temp dropped 15 degrees in 5 minutes.
Have I told you I LOVE thunderstorms? :)
Don't tell Rach, but I hope we have another one soon...

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