Saturday, August 30, 2008

Could it be true?

Ok. I am a Republican 99% of the time. I mean, that's just the way I swing. If they bail on more platform issues, that could change, but for now, I'm still on board.
So, I've been muddling through this election cycle (decade, it seems) not really thrilled with McCain, but tolerating him. I think he matches the era we are in. I must admit, Obamessiah gives good speech. But I like substance and accomplishments. You know, like actually running something. That is where you really can see leadership and command. I'll take a good leader with a history of making good decisions when core values are on the line.
The nomination of Sarah Palin excited me today. She may be the most relatable person for our family ever in politics. She's strong, wise, unflappable. She's the mother of 5 children (one of which was a special needs child) and has actually loved our country her whole life...not just in the last 4 mos. Yeah, that's my Michelle shot. She is staunchly pro-life. I feel completely tied to her. She, too, had to make the decision to stick with her beliefs when she found out her child wouldn't be "normal" and the doctor asked her if she wanted to abort her baby. That bonds you to your values like nothing else and I feel confident that Rachel and I could sit down with her and her family and we'd be like peas in a pod.
On a daddy level: I'm proud that a woman may likely be in the next administration and that she is a GOOD example for my girls. Their mom is the best example to them, but I don't want my girls limiting their dreams because of what others may believe about them. I will be able to proudly point to one Sarah Palin as a light for my girls to emulate and follow.
Thanks, Gov. Palin for being a normal person. Thanks Senator McCain for making my day.

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