Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Alexei Ramirez Grand Slam 9/29 - yeah!! Starring ME as the GREEN BLOB!!

Woo-hoo!! My first time on Youtube!!! Granted, I'm only a green blob. But, ya gotta start somewhere...


Monday, September 29, 2008

"I'm feeling much better now..."

So. What did you do tonight?

Want to know what that is a picture of? That's the ball Alexei Ramirez hit for a winning GRAND SLAM tonight to a guy 3 rows behind me.

That was COOL!!!

In fact, if you look at the replay, you'll see a green blob in the lower right quadrant of the screen with both hands raised and mouth open. I can see it now. You're all saying, "what's new about the mouth being open????"

I got a ticket to the game so I went. I walked right into the lower deck (even though I had an upper deck seat - the Sox have a problem with hillbillies running on to the field and hitting people occasionally (well, twice in the history of the team, but that's a different story) and so they don't let the upper deck (cheaper seats) people down to the lower deck) and picked out a seat in the bleachers. Actually, the original seat I was in would have put me in the fray to get the ball which I would have LOVED.

So the heart attack kids did it again and are playing tomorrow night in a playoff playoff game. I meant that double speak there. The have to play a post-season one game playoff to find out who wins the American League Central Division and can go to the post-post-season playoffs...

The game for tomorrow is sold out and did so 45 minutes after the game.

Would be really cool to get a ticket to THAT game!!!



I DID!!!! Woo-Hoo!!! I love wireless internet and Ticketmaster. Well, wireless internet anyway.

Sept. 30th is going to be a white sox "Black Out". We're all wearing black to the game tomorrow and they are giving out 40, 000 black towels (hopefully not for drying our tears!).

GO SOX!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

"I'm not quite dead yet..."

I just hope that the Tigers don't have any teeth.

We STILL have a chance. How? I have NO idea, but we play a final game that was postponed by rain earlier in the year tomorrow against the TERRIBLE Tigers. The problem? We play terrible against terrible teams. It's called playing down to the competition. It happens everywhere, in every field or endeavor, with bad teams. Well, sometimes. The theory is that if you play down to your competition, you also play up to it.

Uh...that's the THEORY anyway. I would ask where that theory was for the last 5 games.

Let's go Sox!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bring Out Your Dead: 4

It's freeing, really. When your team's ineptness, injuries, and lack of heart (at least for a few of the players) presents itself in glaring evidence, it makes it a lot easier to watch them fail.

This entire year, the Sox have exceeded expectations and have had a good year. The problem is, they never won when they had to. They just don't have the bullets in the gun to do that.

They COULD get on a roll, but I doubt it highly. They are spent and really don't have anything in their tanks.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bring Out Your Dead 3

Cowards and Heartless.
The Sox peed down their legs again last night.

What's new?
If I was a Cubs a__Clown I'd blame the terrible call by the ump in the third inning, but good teams overcome those things. You know. Like the Twins. Good teams like that.
So our entire season, for now, comes down to Gavin Floyd pitching.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Joe Biden Tells Chuck Graham to Stand Up-what an IDIOT.

Sometimes, you just have to laugh. What a mope. I love it. Joe Biden is infamous for this type of stupidity. Just yesterday he said that we should have a president like FDR who guided America by having fireside chats through their TV's. Uh, last I checked FDR was elected in 1932 and the TV wasn't invented until the late thirties.

What was that Forrest? "Stupid is as stupid does, sir." Right.

Wow. Didn't see THAT coming.

Apparently, Clay Aiken came out of the closet.

He's gay.

He must be the LAST PERSON ON EARTH that didn't realize it.

Linday Lohan is swinging in a new direction as well. Such a stable gal... can't believe it.

Next thing you know, Britney Spears will shave her head and stop wearing underwear.

Better stock up... or down. Whatever.

ForYEARS I've been lamenting the spend, spend, spend we see all around us. During incredible prosperity and swelling tax revenue what did our government do? Put some away for a rainy (catastrophic) day? Nope. The spent MORE than what they had coming in with new programs that were, in every case, "essential". At least, that's what they told us. Now that the coffers are empty, alas, in the RED, they are looking to raise our taxes instead of reeling in their crazy spending.

This whole mortgage mess is laid at the feet of the people in congress, specifically, the democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. If you don't know, they have blocked over 15 times the Bush administration trying to reform this mess since 2005. Now, the idiots that actually caused this problem are on the OVERSIGHT of it getting fixed.

In the words of my hero, Forrest - Forrest Gump: "Stupid is as stupid does".

I'm thinking of starting a petition that will eliminate lawyers from public office. The mess starts with these elitist (completely out of touch) morons parsing the snot out of everything instead of meaning what they say.

Meanwhile, HOW STUPID ARE WE? We keep putting these idiots into office. Imagine if people like you and me ran this government. Just imagine.

I'm tired of it.

Are you?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Is that a heartbeat I hear???

Magic Number: 5

My boys of summer have given me a modicum of hope. After the Bears embarassed themselves AGAIN today, my Sox kept rollin' along. Now, the series we've all been dreading/hoping for has arrived and we're 2.5 games up on the Minnesota Piranhas, uh, Twins.

Surprisingly, I'm looking forward to it. Let's see who wants it more. The sCrUBBIES have been in the lead all summer long and had not had any real chance of losing it. We haven't had the luxury they have of playing in a terrible division of a terrible League. The numbers back that all up (60% winning percentage when the American (i.e., professional) League played the National (i.e.,amateur, girly, inferior(take your pick)) League).

If we win it, we've overcome injury, adversity, and some stupidity to bring ourselves to the playoffs. We may not do anything once we're in it, but we'll at least get there. The other issue is we just won the whole shebang 3 years ago. I now enter this time of year firmly believing we can do it because, well, we just did.

It's gonna be fun!

Friday, September 19, 2008


This is kind of cool This is video shot of the last out of the World Series in 2005 from a guy in the upper deck.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bring Out Your Dead: 2


Sigh, again.

I cannot stand apathy. ESPECIALLY when it comes to my sports teams.

The most positive thing that can be said about the end of the season for my Sox is that they are almost done.

I hate it when they lay down. Right now, I cannot stand the lazy way that they are playing. Where's the leadership? Where's the passion? Gone. All this on the day that both the Cubs and the Twins came back to win games they should have lost. I get to watch my team give up and go through the motions.

Frankly, I hope they don't make the playoffs. They don't have the heart they used to and unless they find it, I'm not interested in watching them lose in the first round like I did for the first 34 years of my life.

If they can wake up, I think they can actually do something in the post season. They have some real experience on the team and their starting pitching could get on a good streak.

I just never remember seeing them lay down during 2005...

Go, Sox. Just GO.


For a while now, I've been intrigued by T. Boone Pickens. First, his name. I wish I had such a cool name. Does he go by T? Boone? Pick? T. Boone? Mr. T? Whatever way - it's a really cool name.

Second, I must admit, I dismissed his plan out of hand. There are some serious issues with wind power. It is really expensive to put up the super-fans: In fact, the megawatt vs. expense to create is not even close to nuclear power.

His plan is really pretty good. His idea is progressive: Use natural gas instead of gasoline. When I worked at Schwan's many years ago, all their trucks ran on natural gas. At the time, the cost was relative. Now, they are at about 1/2 the cost of the other industries. The cool thing is we wouldn't have to go to the gas station to fill up. You would just have an adapter in your garage hooked up to your gas in your home. Obviously, there would have to be the addition of natural gas tanks at regular gas stations, but that is no big deal.

I'm in with the "T-Meister". I think that the sooner this is done the better. If your interested in the entire plan, the link is here.


It's worth a look... I'm the last person who thought he'd be for going green, but things are lining up that way...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm really getting a message from God... You know, when a theme repeats itself over and over coming from all different sources: book, speech, work, bible, etc...

What does repent mean? To pent again? Well, I guess it does. I think that pent is just a short version of penitent, or remorseful.

I think that we have bought a bill of goods here in the church. Jesus' mercy is all-encompassing and available to all who recieve it. It is sufficient for all of us. But we lazily rest in that and sin continually. I'm generalizing, I know, but it is symptomatic of our culture. We hate the hard thing. Why did Jesus' say we should repent if it's ok to sin? The point is, it's not. It's not OK to struggle with the same things again and again with no victory over them.

I believe that if we really search scripture, pray, and look inside of ourselves we will find that sinning is unacceptable and it needs to stop. Can we stop it? Yes. Yes we can. Will it be easy? No and Yes. No, stopping the behavior will be difficult or at least it can be. The easy will come as we no longer submit to that sin and we reap the rewards of a more substantial voice of the Holy Spirit. It will be easier to live without that constant drum beat of failure. Failing God, failing ourselves, failing our families, and failing our potential growth personally and spiritually.

God it beating this into my head at 38. You know what? It feels good. I've stood on his grace in a life of repetitive failure in some areas. It will be even better to get some victory and at least engage in the fight.

To repent means to turn 180 degrees. Not to stop, but to actively move in the right direction again.

Here's to repenting!!!!!

Wendys Meatarian...

Dedicated to a one Vegetarian we all know and love...

Here ya go, Kell...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

When God makes TOTAL sense...

Yay! I figured it out!! I can post YOUTUBE's...

Anyway, thanks, God, for the timely wave. Now, about the washed out to sea part of my prayer...


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bring Out Your Dead...

I'm bummed.

The best player for the White Sox, Carlos Quentin, is probably done for the year. This guy carried our team all year. Now, he bangs his hand on his back after fouling a ball off and breaks a bone in his hand. So, what do you do when you lose your "best" player? I've seen this before. One of two things usually happen. You stink. Or: The "best" player goes down and all of the sudden, everyone else steps up and more than makes up the for the loss.

Yesterday, upon hearing the news, the Sox went out and spanked the best team in baseball, the California Orange County not quite Los Angeles but not Oakland either Angels of Anaheim. I think that's their official name. The proof will be in the series. If we sweep or win it, it's a good thing and may bode well for this month.

At least my manager didn't drive to the wrong state like Lou Pinella. What a dope.

Thought to ponder: I wonder if 2008 is just a modern version of 1969? Mhmmm...