Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Better stock up... or down. Whatever.

ForYEARS I've been lamenting the spend, spend, spend we see all around us. During incredible prosperity and swelling tax revenue what did our government do? Put some away for a rainy (catastrophic) day? Nope. The spent MORE than what they had coming in with new programs that were, in every case, "essential". At least, that's what they told us. Now that the coffers are empty, alas, in the RED, they are looking to raise our taxes instead of reeling in their crazy spending.

This whole mortgage mess is laid at the feet of the people in congress, specifically, the democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. If you don't know, they have blocked over 15 times the Bush administration trying to reform this mess since 2005. Now, the idiots that actually caused this problem are on the OVERSIGHT of it getting fixed.

In the words of my hero, Forrest - Forrest Gump: "Stupid is as stupid does".

I'm thinking of starting a petition that will eliminate lawyers from public office. The mess starts with these elitist (completely out of touch) morons parsing the snot out of everything instead of meaning what they say.

Meanwhile, HOW STUPID ARE WE? We keep putting these idiots into office. Imagine if people like you and me ran this government. Just imagine.

I'm tired of it.

Are you?

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