Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I hate change but I love it.

I hate bad change - you know; going backwards instead of forward.

I found out last week that I have to move back into a supervisor role for the time being as our company is going through a major reorganization. You know what reorganization means: layoffs and plenty of them. So in order to "protect" me, they moved me back into a sup role.

Did I mention that I hate supervising? No? Hmmm.... Wonder why?

I know that I should be thankful for a job, and I really am. No pay cut, no changes in benefits, a sick three weeks vacation time... I just am really frustrated because I think that I can do so much more. It's like being stuck in the minors when you know you could give Manny a run for the money. Frustrating.

There is that word again: frustrating. I believe that is the theme for my life for the last 20 months. God is probably just teaching me a new kind of patience to help me grow. Maybe I can put aside my humaness for a few days and try to learn from it.

Meanwhile, I'm updating my resume.


Anonymous said...

Dude, is that a picture of you at the typewriter updating said resume?

You're smokin' hot. Busy Friday night?

Jeff said...

"I'm too sexy for my typewriter..."

You just love my 50's hairdoo!

Oh, and you couldn't afford me. :)