Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm letting the cat out of the bag...

Surprisingly, no one asked anything about the pics and signs I left... Then again, only about two people ever read this...

So. It looks like we are going to be moving. yep. To Florida, no less. Jacksonville to be exact. That's what all of the pics have been of.

I was offered a position down there that will be a lateral move for me, but one where I will have much more opportunity in the near term and the future. I have to decide in the next two days and unless my current boss gives me some incredible news that would change my mind, it's gonna happen.

I can't believe it. Really. Rachel and I have never lived anywhere but in Will County for almost all of our combined 72 years. I might have lived in Boston for a year or so when my dad was in the service after I was born.

Now we're loooking at one of the best climates in the world with two seasons: Summer and Spring. Hurricanes avoid it because of it's geographical location. I've always wanted to live in the south. Rach has always wanted to live in Florida. The kids are psyched and God has kinda been all over this.

It will be a world change for all of us, but we are actually looking forward to it. Until we think of our friends and family, that is. Then the pain is almost unbearable. Our family is for it, but we really haven't told a lot of our friends.

That is going to be really hard.

We love you all.


Anonymous said...

Dude! I was wondering what the pics were for. I figured you'd finally snapped and lost what little mind you had left.

Awesome for you guys! It'll be hard to see you go, but you gotta do what's best for the family.

Send me some sand.

We'll be praying for you guys.

E and family.

Jeff said...

Thanks, Brother.