Monday, November 3, 2008

The Beginning of the End...

I despise campaign ads... Especially false ones. We are getting a plethora of them these last days of this abortion of an election. My favorite one is Obama's add with the "tax calculator". For kicks and giggles I decided to try it out. I mean, Obama wouldn't lie about taxes, would he? His add says to find out who's lying by going to HIS tax calculator.

I guess he failed to mention that he will roll back the Bush Tax Cut in 2010 and that will raise EVERYONE'S taxes. Hhmmmm. I'm sure it just slipped his mind.

Taxes aren't my big issue in this election... Abortion is. I have four kids that meant the world to me before they were born. In the womb, we played with them... we'd play push the foot when they'd kick and took great joy in feeling these little ones develop until we could finally hold them.

I'm told that because I'm a man, what I think about abortion doesn't matter. Ok, then I really don't ever want a woman involved in anything that has to do with a man's sexuality. Pornography is OK. Strip clubs are OK. Hooker's are OK. I can gawk at every woman I see. No, shut up, woman. These things have NOTHING to do with you. It's MY body and I can do with it what I want...

Same logical process. Oh, but I didn't kill anything/one in the process.

Barack Obama voted here in Illinois THREE times to allow a baby that survived an abortion to get NO medical help. "Just set IT on the table over there or, better yet, throw IT in the trash. IT's crying? So what? IT will just suffocate or starve to death, just leave IT. Don't hold IT as IT dies or try to comfort IT. IT is just a thing of flesh, not really a baby. IT just looks like a baby, smells like a baby, and cries struggling to live like a baby."

I know that all of Hell is bad, but I pray that there is a special place there for abortionists and polititicians that support this kind of heartless attitudes toward babies. Yeah, a BABY not an IT.

I am quite forlorn over this election. The media is in the tank for this guy and the fact that McCain has even gotten close is a testament to some people's ability to think through the noise the media has created. Unbelievably, McCain has had to spend his advertising money to vet Obama and do the job the media has done to him, Hilary Clinton, and every other candidate OTHER than Obamessiah. People have bought this guy hook line and sinker and don't realize he is a professional illusionist.

What you see is NEVER what you get with Barack Hussein Obama. I know from living in the United Socialist Society Republic of Illinois for my entire life. It's all smoke and mirrors so you don't see what they really are after: nationalized healthcare, repealing the second amendment, liberal judges on the supreme court, taxation without representation, and telling YOU how YOU should live, but those same rules don't apply to them. They are the smartest people in the world and you are just LUCKY that they are ruling over you. Your just to stupid to know any better.

I'm glad I'm moving to Florida. At least there are as many people there that think like me as don't. I can have some impact on an election with my vote. I'm very fearful of the next 4 years. For those of you that scoff at what I've said; I have a question: How many Democratic presidents HAVEN'T raised taxes, increased gun control, championed abortion, and told you how you should live in the last 40 years? I'll make it easy for you. NONE.

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