Sunday, November 23, 2008


There are moments of my life that are so vivid. I can remember the tiniest details of those moments. There are other moments that I should remember better but don't.
There was a point many years ago where our church split. Well, not officially, but around 40% of the people left because the congregation voted to change the name of the church to reach the lost. Bethel Baptist was the old name. The new name became The Church of Rock Run. Did is work? Yeah, I guess it did. People came in the door that wouldn't have otherwise.
After the church voted to change the name, I played this song (I was working the soundboard). It was the true desire of my heart and I really believe at the time the desire of those wishing to change the name that we have a church that was on fire for God.
There have been moments over the last 10 years that I saw God move incredibly. People were getting baptised, lives were changing, hearts were moved. It was a blessing to be part of it, but, as with many things in life, I only see it now in retrospect. I didn't feel it at the time like I thought I would.
I miss it.

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