Thursday, November 13, 2008

Time Keeps On...

Tickin', Tickin', Tickin'...into the future.

Two weeks until Thanksgiving.

17 days until I leave.

Time is so...nothing, really. It just is a measure of something that doesn't really exist. Not to get metaphysical or anything. I mean, I can barely spell the word. It's just that it seems to be flying now. I know that it's just in my head, but it still is.

As we have packed up things we've run across a lot of pictures. If I can figure out the scanner, I might post a few. My son, who is almost as tall as me now, was such a happy big-cheeked little guy. Kaitlyn is the drama queen from day one, posing from even her earliest pics. Alaina is a cutie-pie and knows it. Christi is a study in, well, diversity. She now loves her pic being taken.

I used to be thin...I'd forgotten. Rachel is babe-alicious and always has been.

I know I've missed a lot over the last years, but that is the way life goes. We may not have missed too much, but it feels like a lot.

At my sister's wedding last month, my mom got up to dance with my dad after the Father-Daughter reception dance and was weeping. She just realized that now all her babies (yeah, I know, 38,35, and 28 year old babies) were officially grown up and it hit her hard. She just wasn't prepared for the heaviness of the realization setting in.

I know that we all have moments like that and I guess that I am having one as i prepare my mind for the reality that we are leaving all we know except each other. Physically, at least.

I'm the pariah of my mom and sisters are happy for us, but not happy with the decision. My sister even said this weekend at Chris' wake, "So, you're REALLY going aren't you?".



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