Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Finally, 2012 Election Eve!!!

Well, the next couple hours will prove to make the policy for our country for the next 4 years.

If things go as they did after the last election, it will mark the beginning of the race for president 2012.

I may move to France. At least they know how to drop the politics in the "offseason". We don't get an offseason anymore and I guess that I am partially to blame. With the advent of the 24 hours news cycle with CNN in 1990 has come an outlet for every nut, pol, wack-job, and news freak to get on the air and spread their ideas. I watch these channels so you can blame me.

My friend, Dennis, posted a quote by Ben Franklin that stated that when people realize they can vote themselves money, it will be the end of the republic.

Rest in Peace, freedom. Rest in Peace.

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