Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Peace Shall Come....

We buried Christopher today.

How sad.

There is no grief as raw as a parent that has lost a child. It is a pain without peer.

My Aunt Janice asked me to sing for the funeral today. What to say? Of course.

One of the songs was one I had never heard before written by Bill Gaither in 1976 called, "Peace Shall Come". It poignantly shares the peace of Christ that passes understanding. How can a family move through pain?

My aunt has lived through hell the last two months. In the last two months my uncle has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, her grandmother passed (expected), her son probably committed suicide, and the day after that her appendix almost burst as she mourned her boy and she had to have emergency surgery the afternoon before her son's wake.

I don't know.

I know that this world stinks most of the time. Sin has made this life a struggle from the beginning and that isn't going to change until Jesus comes back.

Here are the lyrics to the song. When you think you can't go on... you can. You just need help.

Peace shall come
Quiet as the morn
Bathed in dew
Like a day newborn

Let not your heart be troubled
Never be afraid
For thy God has promised
Through the dark to make a way

Peace shall come
Child lift up your eyes
And behold
Deliverance in the sky

The peace that lives within you
Inherits all the earth
See a dawn is breaking
On a brand new day at birth

Amen and we'll miss you, Chris.

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